MFTM X Primavera Sound: Day 1

Every festival starts of beautifully when the sun is shining, the sea is in sight, and I’m buttered up with a gorgeous goodie bag. Primavera 2024 starts off strong!

For a reason I have yet to understand the thumping hip hop of Balming Tiger entranced me and made me unable to leave nor look away. The act clearly have a dedicated fanbase as they announce single ‘Trust Yourself’ to a loud cheer. Their stage presence is undeniably energetic and their thunderous beats just have to be danced to. After their performance we head to the Plenitude stage for Mannequin Pussy who captivate with stunning vocal ranges and soft, comforting sounds. On the way to Amyl & The Sniffers I get distracted by loud, distorted riffs that come from the hand of Dillom. They’re giving a cracking performance at the Amazon Music stage and made me look them up afterwards!

It’s time for harmonious punk rock outfit Amyl & The Sniffers who unload an amount of energy on their fans I’ve not seen before in ages. Powerhouse Amyl is a force to be reckoned with an a live energy hardly ever matched. There are more songs then I was aware of that I could sing along to and it was an absolute joy to see the entire band give it their all on the Santander stage. Our next act doesn’t truly satisfy my needs, though I certainly knew more Vampire Weekend than I was aware of, I felt their performance and sound lacking in energy. A bit static, though at times sounding very fun and rhythmic, not one for in my books.

My highlight of the day is iconic Britpop-before-it-was-cool outfit Pulp, who conquer the stage in high heels, and completely devour it. Despite age or time that has passed since they first played Barcelona, or first they played Primavera, none of their energy of the golden days was left behind. They brought it all out on stage and Jarvis Cocker gave us a performance we won’t soon forget. Of course, superhit ‘Common People’ got the best reception and rightly so; it showcased perfectly how music brings people together and let us forget all of our differences! It was a shining first day of Primavera Sound!

Amyl & The Sniffers by Eric Pamies

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