EP: Penny Roox – By My Side

A stunning collection of theatrical pop tracks was released by Penny Roox in the form of new EP ‘By My Side’. Five tracks is more then enough to fall utterly and completely in love with the sound of this Dutch artist.

She prefers to be alone in a crowd, wandering through the city or observing at parties, she reflects on the stories of the people close to her. She moves through the world with a somewhat melancholic glance – she feels comfortable in this state of being and at times even longs for it, it keeps memories alive.

The EP title track graciously opens the EP and this musical journey Penny Roox takes us on, with gorgeous vocals and a melancholic soundscape she builds a world in which we would like to get lost. ‘Baby Blue’ continues on that mesmerising sound, while on ‘Pop Song’ a hint of electronic pop enters the mix, uplifting the entire atmosphere of the EP, which gets further elevated on ‘Garden of Eden’. This expressive, colourful and powerful alternative pop track is potentially one of our favourites out of the five tracks on the EP.

The influences she has embroidered together form a warm and dark romantic pop sound driven by captivating vocals and grand, melodious hooks. She’s created a sound a la musical genius Tamino, and a more illuminating version of Lana Del Rey. She performed all over the Netherlands, captivated national radio stations and gathered plenty of streams on her music, and on ‘By My Side’ we hear why that is. Penny Roox is addictive, ‘By My Side’ a wandering and glorious collection of alternative pop songs.

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