100 – Weightless

It doesn’t happen often that I feel weightless, however 100 just made me feel like I am made out of thin air. It’s their newest release ‘Weightless’, inspired by a combination of alternative rock, pop and punk, that did it. Fans of Fontaines D.C., The Murder Capital and IDLES will be happy to hear this new release that is an angry sneer towards hometowns and the people we left behind when leaving our hometown.

Focusing on the lyrics, and with a storytelling kind of vibe, 100 have told a story very similar to mine. It is about examining hometowns, the people in them and the experience you go through when you don’t feel like you belong. It is also being the girl with dyed hair, an alternative taste in music, tattoos and band T-shirts while everyone around you only shops at H&M, goes to church every day of the week and has a TV hidden away in their kitchen cupboard.

With ‘Weightless’, 100 turned my thoughts and memories into music as if it didn’t cost them any effort at all. Their up beat music is a kick and punch towards the people you and I left behind to live somewhere no one cared about our hair our tattoos. It is refreshing, energising and enlightening, and I will keep a close on the band to make sure not to miss any future releases.

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